Choose a patient story
Inspired by real patients

Sonia, RRMS
“My friends always call me a dreamer, but they don’t know how I really feel.”
Age 36, diagnosed with RRMS
Inspired by a real patient

- Time since diagnosis: 9 years
- Started on treatment at diagnosis
- Time since last relapse/MRI change: 7 years
- Disability level: Moderate
- Experiencing difficulty with:
- Mobility
- Fatigue
- Gait
Age 35, diagnosed with RRMS
Inspired by a real patient

- Time since diagnosis: 3 years
- Started on treatment at diagnosis
- Time since last relapse/MRI change: 2 years
- Disability level: Mild
- Experiencing difficulty with:
- Cognition
- Endurance
- Mobility
Age 45, diagnosed with SPMS
Inspired by a real patient

- Time since diagnosis: 10 years
- Started on treatment at diagnosis
- Time since last relapse/MRI change: 8 years
- Disability level: Moderate
- Experiencing difficulty with:
- Memory
- Processing speed
- Endurance

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